


The potential for excellence divinely packaged in you at creation is, in context of this beautiful book, the “giant” residing in you. Indeed, it resides in every human being; we have the choice either to activate and express it or allow it to remain latent and dormant. There is a giant living inside of you!

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The potential for excellence divinely packaged in you at creation is, in context of this beautiful book, the “giant” residing in you. Indeed, it resides in every human being; we have the choice either to activate and express it or allow it to remain latent and dormant. There is a giant living inside of you! No one asked for any particular type at creation, rather, it is imputed or credited to us by the Maker out of His sovereign purpose.

By the nature and configuration of the “giant”, there is a constant graving for expressiveness and manifestation even from the cradle. Unfortunately, the universe is littered with diverse thorns and bristlesbroken bottles and barbwiresnails and stumps which consistently stands in opposition to the giant in order to stifle, cripple, dwarf, and incapacitate it.

Self-Pity is one of them. This is why a lot of people go through their earthly sojourn being bland, lusterless and unfulfilled. So they return to the Maker in regret, empty-handed and devastated.


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Self PitySelf-Pity

Availability: 20 in stock

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