
Prophets in the Cave – A Wake Up Call to Fulfilling Your Divine Mandate


Caves are specifically designed to dethrone Christ and remove Him from the stage; to relegate Him to the background; squeezing Him into a mold and making God’s work a second option.

So many Christians who ought to be doing exploits and breaking new grounds and ravaging the kingdom of darkness are subjected to different kinds of cave. Denominational cave, cultural cave, self-made cave, demonic cave etc.

But we have entered into the season where the Elijahs must come out of hiding and announce the God of heaven; a season of Davids where the size of the enemy and the length of the battle do not matter. A season of horsemen where the battles are taken to the enemy’s gate; a season where the Holy Spirit is answering the “Hows”.

Availability: 200 in stock

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Caves are specifically designed to dethrone Christ and remove Him from the stage; to relegate Him to the background; squeezing Him into a mold and making God’s work a second option.

So many Christians who ought to be doing exploits and breaking new grounds and ravaging the kingdom of darkness are subjected to different kinds of cave. Denominational cave, cultural cave, self-made cave, demonic cave etc.

But we have entered into the season where the Elijahs must come out of hiding and announce the God of heaven; a season of Davids where the size of the enemy and the length of the battle do not matter. A season of horsemen where the battles are taken to the enemy’s gate; a season where the Holy Spirit is answering the “Hows”.

Therefore it is time to break out of any cave so that it may be known again that there is a God who rules in the affairs of men.

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Prophets in the cave coverProphets in the Cave – A Wake Up Call to Fulfilling Your Divine Mandate

Availability: 200 in stock

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