Father's day

Men of Understanding

Happy Father’s Day (in advance) to all the fathers and the upcoming fathers everywhere. It is always a beautiful sight seeing people being appreciated for who they are and the impact they have made. I was privileged to talk to the men today on the topic Men of Understanding and I thought to share it with here so that other people can be blessed as it is a message that can benefit anybody; men or women, old and young. The anchor text for this topic is Daniel 6:1-3. Below is an excerpt from the talk. The reason why a lot of things are wrong in our lives, families, churches and the society is due to lack of understanding. Because of lack of understanding many are living in ignorance, guilt, fear, self-pity, mediocrity and so on. What is Understanding? Understanding means to really know something. It is to become aware of something such that it changes your view about that thing. When understanding comes, there will be a change or an action that follows it. Let’s look at the following scenarios: Sources of Understanding The questions you ask and the questions you do not ask is the determinant factor of your condition. Why must we seek understanding? As fathers celebrating Father’s day, we need to know that having understanding is very important in all areas of our lives. We need to be men who are troubled by the present state we find ourselves in and will not rest until we see the change that we desire. Remember that the best version of yourself is yet to come. We should not forget that we have our Father in heaven who is ever faithful to guide us and help us in this walk we are on. He is there to reveal the truth to us and open our eyes. Prayer: Dear Lord, let your light shine on me and open the eyes of my understanding. Cause me to be restless until I move to where I am supposed to be. In Jesus Name. Amen. Image by Sketchepedia on Freepik

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Father's day

Men of Understanding (2)

Happy Fathers Day to all our fathers,  we appreciate you for all your efforts and impacts you have made. We know that it is not an easy task to fit into the role of fatherhood, biologically and otherwise and we appreciate you. The world would not be complete without you. The last post which I shared on Friday talked about Men of Understanding and this is a follow up post on that. We looked at what understanding is, why we should get understanding and the sources of understanding. Today, we are going to be looking at Daniel as a case study who was a man of understanding. Our main passage is Daniel 1:3-8, 17-21. Before we go into what we can learn from Daniel, we see that Daniel was a man who was physically “perfect”, he was handsome, of noble lineage, endowed with knowledge and understanding. But despite these attributes he had, Daniel did not allow pride into his life, what mattered to him was his relationship with God (vs. 8). Who are the Men of Understanding? The world needs men of understanding,  men that know God’s agenda and run with it. This is not limited to the men but for women too, old and young. The world is waiting for us, let us rise up and take our places. Prayer: Lord take over my life afresh. In Jesus Name. Amen. Image by Sketchepedia on Freepik

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